Well, I'm finally getting around to getting AJ's New York pictures on here. She got to go on a Mission trip in November with the Moravian Church. The Moravian church is a lot like the Lutheran Church. 30 people went. They loaded onto a coach bus on Wed. a.m. and drove the 26 hours straight to New York.

Upon arriving in the Big Apple, they got on the Staten Island Ferry to go to Great Kills Moravian church where they camped out for the 4 days they were there. I must add, no showers were provided! YIKES.

The trip was to help those in need. They were broken into small groups and worked in various places in the city. AJ's team worked at Chips a soup kitchen, and upstairs are apartments for young pregnant teens, and teen mothers to try to get their lives sorted out. She also worked at The Methodist Church ~ a place that provides clothing for people who need it.

They got one day to sightsee and explore the city. They ventured out to see a bunch of cool sights. They went to Ground Zero, the Empire State building, Central Park, Grand Central Station, Starbucks (duh), Times Square and saw the Statue of Liberty.

It was a good experience for her. She got to see how people who aren't as fortuntate as us have to deal with life. And, got to see New York....Bonus! :)
1 comment:
WOW... what a great trip (sans the now showers... ick... stinky teenagers!). I love looking at the photos and thanks for sharing!
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