We just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Or a Happy Hanukkah! And we pray for a SPECTACULAR New Year for everyone!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Merry Christmas 2007
We just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Or a Happy Hanukkah! And we pray for a SPECTACULAR New Year for everyone!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Pacific Northwest
Please pray for all those affected by the horrible storms in WA and OR. The town of Chehalis has been basically wiped out. I just got these pictures from a friend. Here are a couple that you can really see the extent of the flooding.

These were taken along the I-5 freeway. We would drive by these places on our way to Seattle.
I also talked to my friend, Monica, and she said they had terrible damage on the coast. Trees are down on houses, no power since Sunday, highway access in and out closed. They had 100+ mph winds. A Sitka Spruce tree that was one of the nations largest was snapped 75 ft from the bottom and they say it will now die. I saw on the news a story about farms losing hundreds of cows. So many people all over the PNW are homeless, lost businesses, and some have lost their lives. It makes me realize I have NOTHING to complain about.

I also talked to my friend, Monica, and she said they had terrible damage on the coast. Trees are down on houses, no power since Sunday, highway access in and out closed. They had 100+ mph winds. A Sitka Spruce tree that was one of the nations largest was snapped 75 ft from the bottom and they say it will now die. I saw on the news a story about farms losing hundreds of cows. So many people all over the PNW are homeless, lost businesses, and some have lost their lives. It makes me realize I have NOTHING to complain about.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
The calm after the storm
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Milwaukee Bucks Dance Competition
Now, to get into my comfy flannel pants and chill. Have a snowflakey day/night!! :)
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Jingle Jolly Runner

I used Peppermint and Hollyberries fabric by Benartex (the green). I bought it a while ago, and figured this was perfect to use it for. I think I was right. :)
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Ta Da!
Well, just as I said earlier, here I am posting my first of 2 NUJD quilts. I'm so glad it's done. I can throw it into Foxy (the Element) and we can stay snuggly warm. :) The top was done with 4" squares that I found at a thrift shop for $4 (and I got 2 tops). The back is 11" squares that were leftover (see last post) from several quilts that I've already made. I even pieced together the batting from leftovers! So, this quilt cost me a whopping $2 bucks! Yippee!!!
Now I'm planning to work on a table runner designed by my very talented friend, Monica. I need (yeah, right....NEED) to go get some fabric at the quilt shop, so I'm off here for a little bit. Hugs and kisses to all! :)
It's been a long time......
It's been a while since I posted last, and I've been meaning to. But here I am today!
We woke up to a dusting of snow. Since then, it's snowed on and off. It was supposed to snow last night, but it looks more like we'll get it later today. The temperature has risen from 20 degrees, when we went to bed last night, to a balmy 30~ The clouds are bluish, so I'm guessing they're full of SNOW!! :)
I've been trying to get my NUJD quilts done, but since I was using scraps on the backs I had to cut flannel. I dug out all my scraps from quilts past and cut squares from 11" to 6" depending on the strip. Here are my piles. I have a ton! Well, not LITERALLY a ton, but a lot. :) I have one NUJD quilt in the machine today. I hope to post it later this afternoon. I'm just quilting across and up and down just to get the batting all nice and snuggly inside.
Here is my new Walking Foot! I know, I know. I should have gotten this years ago, but I never wanted to spend the money. I'm glad I did. I just got used to not having it so I didn't know what I was missing. If you don't have one of these for your machine, I encourage you to get one. It is very nice! :)
Now, off to the drop the kids off at school and come back to SEW, SEW, SEW!!! Have a fantastic day!! :)
Thanksgiving was great. We spent the day lounging in our jammies, watching TV and eating, of course. It was just the 4 of us, just the way we like it.
Now, off to the drop the kids off at school and come back to SEW, SEW, SEW!!! Have a fantastic day!! :)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Aprons and more aprons
After I showed the chicks at the Barn Door quilt shop the little Ava Apron, they told me if I wanted to make some more, they'd sell them at the shop! Heck, a little extra fabric money??? I'm so there! So, I made up these little aprons. Candy Canes, Cherries, Watermelon, Patchwork and a Packers Green with Gold Stars. :) We'll see if they sell before I make more. For now, I'm trying to get all my flannel scraps cut into squares to put on the back of my NUJD quilts, so I can FINALLY finish them.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Artsy Fartsy stuff
I have gotten a couple of projects done. They both had deadlines, so I got them done quickly. I love deadlines! :) I am a procrastinator, I admit it, but I'm good when I had a deadline.
The first little tiny quilt is a gift for a friend. Our friends in Cheboygan put us up for a long weekend and took us for a tour of their town. Anyway, this is a little Thank You gift to them. :) It's a Tiny Stars wallhanging and it's about 9" x 9" square. My friend's master bathroom is lavendar and her room is lovely green, so I thought she could hang this in either room and it would look nice.

This is a little reversible apron for Miss Ava who just turned 2 on Saturday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE PRINCESS!!! :) Anyway, she is into (play)cooking, I hear, so I figured she needed an apron so she doesn't get (play) frosting all over her clothes! :) One side is watermelon-y and the other is purple/pink. I also made her some little tiny watermelon potholders. I got the idea from a little fancy schmancy toy store in town. But they were selling their NON-REVERSIBLE aprons for much more!! This turned out so adorable, I just wish I could see her in it! Since they live stinkin' far away, I'll only get to see her in pictures and when I finally get to go out and visit! :)
Today I'm working on finally getting the backs on my NUJD quilts. I'll post pics soon (I hope!). :) Have a fantabulous day!!!
Today I'm working on finally getting the backs on my NUJD quilts. I'll post pics soon (I hope!). :) Have a fantabulous day!!!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Rockin' Out
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Dance Competition
Well, our chicks have made it through their first competition. It was down in Milwaukee this past Saturday. They competed against 9 other teams in their division. Unfortunately, they didn't place THIS TIME, but they now know what to expect and where they need to improve. 2 girls were out due to injuries. Here are some pictures of our beautiful chicks.
This is the beginning of their routine. Anisa is on the right side, on her knees in the back. They danced to You Lift Me Up by Rachael Lampa. They ROCKED!!!! This was their Pom routine. They are learning their Funk routine which they'll perform at another competition.
This is the team the day before competition. This was their dress rehearsal. This was also the day that one of the girls pulled her hamstring. Don't they look sparkly??
This is the end of the routine. Anisa is in the back standing up (almost directly in front of the dancer on the Coach's right side). We are SO PROUD of our girls. They did such a great job. We're looking forward to the next competition coming up in December!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Da U.P.
We went up north this past weekend. It was VERY fun. We went to visit Tim and Belinda, some CG friends from Astoria that are now living the retired life. We hadn't seen them in about 11 years! It took about 6 hours to get there, but it was so worth it. We went exploring, visited Belinda's very cute parents and their chickens, dogs, and turkey, we shopped a little and even visited a haunted school.
They live on a river in Upper Michigan and it was beautiful! The water up there is so nice and clear and all different colors of blues and greens. Here are some highlights of our trip....
This is the Mackinac Bridge. It's the 3rd longest suspension bridge in the world and THE longest suspension bridge in the western hemisphere. It's total length is 26,372 feet which is about 5 miles. On one side is St. Ignace, MI and on the other is Mackinaw City. The Straights of Mackinac run under it and connect Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. It also connects Michigan's upper and lower peninsulas.
This is Mackinac Island. The only way over is by ferry/boat. Unless it's winter. Then IF conditions are right, they use an "ice highway" to get on and off the island. There are no cars on the island other than the fire truck, ambulance and a tractor used at the landfill. Horses and bikes are used to get around. You can see the Grand Hotel. In the summer, we plan to make another trip and go over to the island. The weather wasn't all that cooperative this trip.
Here is the Old Mackinaw. Tim was stationed aboard this big red beast 2 times. His first and last stations. This ship is now decommissioned and there is a New Mackinaw. They are Ice Breakers/Bouy Tenders, and they are beautiful.
So, I'm thinking this might be where Madonna goes shopping. Have you ever heard of pasties? I was thinking, "WHAT??!!". That isn't an appropriate sign for the children to see! But these pasties aren't the kind Madonna likes to wear. These are actually little meat pocket thingies. They have meat, potatoes and onions inside. We didn't try them on this trip, but plan to someday.
Now that I'm on the subject of food, did you know there are still Big Boy Restraunts? Well, here's proof. Here's the Big Boy himself! Larger than life. :)
This is one of the beaches on Lake Michigan up north. There are sandy beaches and they are really pretty. I'm still going back to the ocean eventually, but these were nice to look at! :)
The trucks that normally drive up north have big ol' HONKIN' grills. We figured it was because of all the elk, deer and moose they hit on the roads.
Here are the chicks goofing off while we were playing and shopping in Mackinaw City. We were being Fudgies. That's the name they give tourists who visit there because the fudge is very popular there.
And this final picture is us dreaming. :) I keep saying that we need to buy a teardrop trailer for Anisa to tow with Foxy and we won't all be crammed in Traily. I'm not complaining, mind you. I don't mind being squished into my little trailer, but it would be nice for Travis and me to have privacy. :) Doesn't Foxy look cute??
I hope you enjoyed looking at our trip pictures. It was very fun and we are looking forward to our trip in the summer. :)
They live on a river in Upper Michigan and it was beautiful! The water up there is so nice and clear and all different colors of blues and greens. Here are some highlights of our trip....
I hope you enjoyed looking at our trip pictures. It was very fun and we are looking forward to our trip in the summer. :)
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Brown and Aqua
This is an Atkinson's Design Pattern from one of their latest pattern books, Happy Hour. The quilt is called Picture This and it was a fun one to make. It's very easy and goes together quickly (my favorite kind). The blocks turn out to be big 15" blocks, so you don't even have to make that many to get a decent sized lap quilt. I had something different in my head when I started it, and I'm not as thrilled with it as I thought I would be, but I do like it and my girls liked it when I finally got it done. I want to make this quilt in some other colors.
My next quilt is in the machine right now. It's my Not Ugly, Just Different 2 quilt. A little explanation......I made a quilt out of 4x4 squares that a friend had given me years ago. She had all the squares cut in a ziploc bag and the package was a garage sale item that didn't sell. The fabrics were pretty ugly, with the exception of a few. So, I sewed them together thinking that I could throw the thing outside in the grass and it wouldn't matter. Well, I got it together and really liked it.....it is very scrappy. I showed it to my friend and told her it was my Ugly quilt and she said, "it's not ugly, It's just different", and that stuck. Anyway, fast forward a few years and I found a ziploc of 4x4 squares at a thrift shop a few weeks ago, and I'm making another NUJD quilt. :) I'll be posting soon. It's raining today, and I have bible study this morning, but I plan to get some sewing done later. Yippee!! :) I hope your weather is to your liking where you live! :)
Monday, October 08, 2007
Ta Da!
Wow, thanks chicks for helping me vote on your favorite setting. There was a tie with 2 and 3 being the winners. I had to see which looked better with the border fabs, and this is the finished project. I finished it minutes before I had to go to the baby shower! I'm happy with it. What's up with the blue strip and the bone in the border, you ask? Well, yeah. I ran out of fabric, and since I live an hour away from Joann's (where I bought the fabrics), I had to make due with what I had. I like the bone on the border. It looks like I MEANT TO do that. :) The blue strip, eh, well, it looks ok. I quilted little swirlies in each of the big blocks.
And now on to cleaning my house and the NEXT project, if I don't die from heat stroke!~ It's supposed to be another hot day in the 80s with HIGH humidity. I'm sitting here in 66 degrees and the air is WET! ewww. I hope everyone has a comfy day! :)
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
It's Done
Here is the wallhanging all finished. I made it from a pattern by Lori Smith from her Fat Quarter Quilts line. It's called Sampler Quilts . Happy Zombie posted the patterns a while back and I found them at the local quilt shop. I have another pattern with fabrics that I want to do, but I need to make another baby quilt (posted soon, HOPEFULLY).
The weather here is starting to cool and the squirrels are in hyper-storing mode and I'm going into hyper-quilting mode. So, I need to log off the computer and SEW, SEW, SEW!! :)
I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Something Fun

I know we all like to show our finished projects, but I thought it would be fun to show a project that's ALMOST finished. :) This is a wallhanging that I'm working on. It's almost done. I just finished ironing it and thought I'd be silly and take a picture of the inside of a quilt. I'm hoping to get the back and binding on later today, and post the FINISHED little quilt tomorrow. I'll give more details then, but for now, enjoy the INSIDE of quilt. :)
Monday, September 24, 2007
Things I've been working on
I finally finished some projects for other people and they've both been received, so I can post them! :)
This is a quilt I made for a friend's new baby girl. She picked out the fabrics since she wanted me to also make a valance and bedskirt for the crib. I didn't get a picture of the valance and bedskirt, but I was happy with the results and mom liked them too. :)
Here is a Thank You gift to my friend, Evonne, in Vancouver. She put up with the girls and me this summer, then took in Anisa for a week. I figured a quilty hug was a good gift. :) And I've always wanted to make a black and white quilt, but it just doesn't really go in my house. It goes REALLY WELL in her house, since her family room furniture and carpet is black and kitchen is black and white. :)
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
She's a Wife, Mom, Grandma and GREAT Grandma. This picture was taken in Kodiak, um, 20ish years ago with one of her Great Grandpups. I had to SEARCH through all my photo albums to find a good picture because she never lets us take pictures! Isn't she cute?? :)
So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA. We hope you have a wonderful day, week, YEAR!! :) love, Your family!!!! :)
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Homecoming in a Small Town
We endured 40something degrees last night to watch the Clippers LOSE again (they lost last year, too). How sad. The pre-game stuff was pretty fun, tho, and warmer. :)
Traditionally, the students TP the school. The only rule is, they have to clean it up. So, on Monday, the kids will be cleaning up the mess.
Ah, the bonfire. Here is the pile BEFORE.......
We had fun hanging out with friends, yelling and screaming for our team and then came home and warmed up in our quilts! :)
What's Homecoming without the PARADE! Here's our beautiful kid marching with her little picolo.
We had fun hanging out with friends, yelling and screaming for our team and then came home and warmed up in our quilts! :)
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