Today was the Milwaukee Bucks Dance Competition down at the Bradley Center in Milwaukee. The team performed their pom routine and pulled a 2nd place!!! Well, they got a 3rd place trophy, but one of the judges was totally biased and after checking into it, their totals got them a 2nd place. They also performed their funk routine. This was the first time they performed this routine in competition, and they did really well, but they also found things they have to work on. We are very proud of the chicks. They ROCKED!!!!

When we left the Bradley Center, we came outside to several inches of snow and ice pellets. We buzzed home in the Element going 30-40 mph and the normally 2.5 hour trip took us 5 hours. I took a couple of moms with me so it was ok. We just visited the whole time. Here is the Element's back end covered with snow from the road.

Here is snow in our yard. It's still coming down. We have about 8 inches now, and are expecting a total of about a foot by morning. YIPPEE!! :)
Now, to get into my comfy flannel pants and chill. Have a snowflakey day/night!! :)
WooHoo! Looky at that snow -- you lucky girl. I sure wish we'd get some. BTW, I love your Jingle Jolly Runner -- I really want to make one too!
congratulations to the team - a great performance.
I'm so jealous of you - seeing all that snow!
my daughter is on high school drill team too! Cept her team is about 85 members strong :) We are getting ready for her first competition Feb 16th. THen in march they are going to nationals in california! (We're in texas). Anyway, megan has a friend on a dance team that goes to Luther Prep in Wisconsin. I wonder if they compete against your dd school?
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