It's been a while since I posted last, and I've been meaning to. But here I am today!
Thanksgiving was great. We spent the day lounging in our jammies, watching TV and eating, of course. It was just the 4 of us, just the way we like it.

We woke up to a dusting of snow. Since then, it's snowed on and off. It was supposed to snow last night, but it looks more like we'll get it later today. The temperature has risen from 20 degrees, when we went to bed last night, to a balmy 30~ The clouds are bluish, so I'm guessing they're full of SNOW!! :)

I've been trying to get my NUJD quilts done, but since I was using scraps on the backs I had to cut flannel. I dug out all my scraps from quilts past and cut squares from 11" to 6" depending on the strip. Here are my piles. I have a ton! Well, not LITERALLY a ton, but a lot. :) I have one NUJD quilt in the machine today. I hope to post it later this afternoon. I'm just quilting across and up and down just to get the batting all nice and snuggly inside.

Here is my new Walking Foot! I know, I know. I should have gotten this years ago, but I never wanted to spend the money. I'm glad I did. I just got used to not having it so I didn't know what I was missing. If you don't have one of these for your machine, I encourage you to get one. It is very nice! :)
Now, off to the drop the kids off at school and come back to SEW, SEW, SEW!!! Have a fantastic day!! :)
I bought a walking foot to sew on bindings and it was worth every penny for that use alone.
I just assumed everyone had a walking foot! How did you ever bind a quilt without one! On the RARE occasion that I do machine quilting... I use the walking foot too. Just in the ditch stuff... anything else is waaaaaaay beyond my capabilities. Congrats on your new attachment!
I love your little dusting of snow. Looks like powdered sugar was sprinkled over Casa de Chickie!
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