We arrived in Lancaster County on a Sunday which we originally thought was a bad idea because everything is closed, but it ended up being a great thing. We actually found some antique shops, ice cream shop and a GOOD restraunt open. Plus, we went driving around and exploring and found a couple of covered bridges and a huge group of Amish kids playing volleyball.
We made reservations at Kitchen Kettle Village Inn in Intercourse, PA (that's just fun to say) and when we got to our room, we were SO HAPPY. It was a super, cute room with iron beds and quilts. Cute country wallpaper and just a warm room. But we were all anxious to get to sleep so we could wake up and shop and explore some more.
On Monday morning, we woke up way too early and talked, laughed, talked and laughed some more. We finally rolled out of bed to get ready for our yummy country breakfast. I had scrambled eggs, toast and potatoes. That sounds yummy, right? Well, the eggs were swimming in BUTTER, the toast had fresh homemade berry jam and the potatoes were cooked in BACON GREASE! It was fabulous!!! After we were all fueled up for the day's activities, we explored the village shops. We found our little treasures (magnets, fudge, jams, apple and pumpkin butter, whoopie pies and gifts for the kids) and headed out to see what else we could find in the County.
We stopped at a farm to try some of their homemade Root beer. We were SO THRILLED to see the precious Amish girls inside. I almost hyperventilated at the thought of actually talking to Amish people! :) Ok, I'm exaggerating, but I WAS really excited. The two girls were probably around 7 or 8 and were absolutely gorgeous. Beautiful silky blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes. They were such young ladies and great sales girls. They gave us a sample of their yummy ice cold root beer and I had to buy 4 pints along with the homemade BBQ chips. Their mom came in to help and she was the sweetest lady. We hopped into the van very happy with our find. On our way down the road, we saw a sign for Cider Donuts. Of course, we stopped and got hot donuts. Sara Beth and Renee ate theirs, but I saved mine for home.
We had to go back to the ice cream shop that we had found on Sunday to get some pretty colored popcorn, and on the way we saw a cute farm stand that we decided to stop at on the way back to the restaurant where we were planning to eat. What a treasure! We got some fresh veggies, pumpkins and gourds. The Amish lady there was so sweet and I found out about their horses (they use either Standard bred or Saddle bred horses to pull their buggies, and big draft horses for pulling carts). We left there with our little squashes and went to lunch. After that, sadly, we left Lancaster County to come back to our normal, every day lives. It was good to see our families, but a slumber party with your friends is so much FUN! :) Here are the pics.....

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