Then, it happened. A rain drop. Then another, and another. So, we packed up and headed to the car. By the time we got on the road, the clouds had opened up and drenched the town (luckily, I had put fresh Rain-X on the windshield before we left home!). We drove around to look at what we had missed on our walk, then decided to head home. The girls slept most of the time, and we went through a big downpour and lightning and thunder storm. We finished our day with Sonic in Fredericksburg. It was a long day, but we had a good time. Here are the highlights.

This one is just for Monica!

Love Va. beach. claudes sister Lorie lived there while hubby was in the Navy. spent each visit going to Williamsburg to the Pottery.Hope all is well. Love, Marie
You know what is really scary is when you see ginormous, wrinkly old ladies wearing those T-shirts!
OMG... who told them I was coming!!! Oh that is too funny! Notice I didn't didn't say "too effin' funny". I'm following Virginia Beach's @#!%! code.
Looks like a fun day! Glad you guys are enjoying exploring your new home state!
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