This is Anisa's fish. Well, one of them. She has 2 fancy goldfish. Batman and Robin. Batman is a big black fishie and Robin is a little plump yellow guy. They like to sleep during the day when they're not eating. They actually go to the bottom of the tank and just sit there on the rocks. Well, Robin also likes to just float......upside down. The first time we saw this trick it scared us. Now, it's just normal. I think it's because he has such a "fluffy" belly (don't want to call him fat) that it's just easier for him to float upside down. That's my theory, anyway. Why he does it really, we will never know, but he's cute, isn't he? :)
Hey there, what a cute fish but yes it is a little wired. It was so cool chatting with youthe other day, loved it.Have a great weekend. Hugs, Marie
He's got buggy eyes! Is that normal? You do have strange pets. :)
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