Travis left this morning to go to Michigan. Sounds easy enough since Michigan is right next to Wisconsin. Unfortunately, Lake Michigan is in the way. So, he had to drive down south through Chicago, IL, then a little through Indiana and he just called and he's just about over the Michigan border. He'll be doing some work up there for a couple of days then he'll be home just about the time Sara gets home. Anisa and I have the place to ourselves. Which is nice.
That kind of leads me to my next subject. My dear friend Haley and I have been working our butts off (literally). She was telling me she needed to start going back to the gym to get her summer body back (you know, that winter blubber layer). We've been going every week day for the last 2 weeks. I have also added seriously watching my calorie intake. The results......I've lost 6 pounds!!!! I'm so happy. I tried on a pair of pants I bought last summer that were a tad snug and now they're loose. I love seeing results. It makes it so much easier to keep it up. This week will be nice since I won't have to make dinner for the family. I can just eat what I need to eat and that's it. No pressure. I love that. :)
Congrats on losing the poundage! That's so exciting! I'm rooting for you.
My 8th grader goes to DC this year too! But she's going after school is out, in June. And she's going to fly!
That's so exciting about your weight loss, but seriously... one more pound and we won't be able to see you!
How exciting about S's DC trip!
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