On the 1st of Sept, the dance team had a Lock-In at school. Basically, they spent the night at school. ;) Anyway, one of the moms who had volunteered told me I should stay too. I had been thinking about it, but putting it off, so I said OK! :) One more mom stepped up too, so there were 3 moms, plus the coaches, plus 16 teenagers! It was fun. We had run of the entire school, and it's a BIG school. They ate, played hide and seek, watched a movie, laughed, screamed, ran through the halls, pushed each other on rolling chairs and in trash cans. Here are some pics...

Aaron is visiting from Wisconsin one more time before Anisa goes to Italy. That's coming up in 2.5 weeks! We've been slowly, but surely, getting her stuff ready. A lot of it, we can't do til the last minute..mainly the packing part.
This past Sunday, we were supposed to go on a bike ride with Larry and Jan, but they have some remodeling going on in their bathroom, so instead, we went to Great Falls, VA. It's in McLean, about half hour away from here. Unfortunately, everyone else went that day (Labor Day weekend) and it took us 2 hours to get there. It was cool, tho. Once we got there, we hiked on the rocks, looked at the little fishies, and took pictures. Here are some of them.....

On Tuesday, Sara started school as a Junior! She asked us if she gets a 4.0 this year, would we buy her a car. We said YEP. Now, watch her get a 4.0. :) heehee Anyway, one of her favorite friends, Hannah, spent the night and they watched Time Traveler's Wife, then got their beauty sleep and got up, got ready and I took them to school. Sara said she likes her classes, teachers and even has friends in a lot of her classes (she didn't have many friends in her classes last year). Here is Sara and Hannah. Aren't they beeyooteefull?! :)

Anisa, Aaron and I planned to go into DC to see the butterflies and try to go up the Washington Monument. Luckily, I talked to Renee that morning and she decided at the last minute to bring Ava and go with us! Miss Ava starts school next week, so this really was her last chance. We saw the butterflies, bugs, skeletons, live fishies and "real but not alive" animals. Here is Ava trying to talk one of the butterflies into landing on her. Poor kid. She only wanted ONE butterfly to land on her and actually, one did, but nobody got a picture of it because he landed then took right off.

Travis is visiting Philly, New York and Baltimore this week, so he's been gone for a couple of days which I think is nice, since I never get a chance to miss him! :) He'll be home on Friday, and I think we're planning a trip to the beach this weekend and HOPEFULLY getting to meet a cousin of mine...actually a second cousin. I'll tell you all about it next week! :)
1 comment:
Hey there-Love the pics!! Did you see Alex at the game Friday? He didn't have one so he drove to Springfield to see yours. I know he had a great time. we are meeting (supposed to) in N.C. for Claude's commisioning the fist weekend of Oct. I will finnally see them can't wait. Ray said we are making a trip your way before the end of the year. I need a fix!! Miss you. Hugs, Marie
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