Aaron was here for about a week and a half. We finally got Anisa up to the top of the Washington Monument. On the walk to the monument, we stopped to feed a friendly little squirrel! We took PB&J's into the city for snacks, and he appeared to like it very much. :)

While we were waiting for our time slot, we ran across the street to take pictures of flowers. Aaron apparently dared Anisa to hit his water bottle while he was drinking, and of course, she hit it and water went all over him. So, he picked her up and was gonna throw her in a bush, and she was screaming "NO! There is a spider!". He almost put her directly into the spider web. It was so hilarious we laughed so much!
Our time slot came up, so we got into line to get on the elevator to the top. There was an adorable couple behind us. She was from Australia and he was from the UK. We talked to them a little bit. When we got to the top, we took pictures from all the windows on all sides of the monument.
We have been looking for a purse for Anisa to take to Italy. One with a flap that goes over the zipper. Well, they're hard to find with both a flap AND a zipper. Anyway, there was this lady with an adorable purse inside the monument. I told Anisa..."check out that cute purse and it looks like it has a flap over the zipper....I'm gonna ask her". So off I went to talk to this woman who probably thought I was a stalker. After I explained to her that we were looking for a purse for my daughter she showed us her little bag and all the pockets and told us she got it at the Container Store! Of all places!!!! Anyway, we planned a trip to the Container Store the next day. We got there and looked at EVERYTHING, and finally got to the bags. We found the purse and decided to get it for sure. As we were getting ready to leave, we had to make a trip to the clearance section. We got there and there was the same, identical purse...same color and everything. We thought, oh someone probably just put it there, but NO. It was missing a clip inside and was marked down almost half price!!!! :) I love deals, and Anisa has a cute little purse!
While Aaron was here, we also made a trip to Rehoboth Beach, MD and Lewes, DE. It was the first time Aaron had ever been to the ocean. The water was warm enough for the kids to go into, but they had to be careful because of the rip currents from the hurricanes blowing through. After playing on the sand and in the water for a few hours, we went to Dogfish Head brewpub for dinner then off to visit/meet my second cousin, Dottie! She is the best!!! She loves squirrels, birds and bugs, just like I do. She is selling her house here to move to Florida to be with her man, so I'm glad I got out there at least once before she moves. I hope to get to see her again before they head south.
We also took Aaron to see the groundhogs at Fort Belvoir. One day I was out there and I saw 5 of them! That day we searched high and low and they were all hiding....then we FINALLY saw one. He was eating acorns in a little park. He was so adorable!
Aaron had to leave on Wed, and the kids always play on the rocking chairs while we wait to say good-bye. It was hard for them to say good-bye, but I think they're getting a little better at it. They didn't cry quite as much.
Today we went to a little town called Occoquan for brunch and shopping with my friend, Rhonda. We met in Santa Barbara and now her husband is stationed out here, so we can hang out together sometimes. Unfortunately, like Renee, because of traffic they both live about 40 minutes away, but we can manage to see each other sometimes. We ate at a place that overlooked the Occoquan River and looked in all the tiny, cute shops. I found a wooden chicadee and some car coasters…not super exciting, but still fun. J
This week, we have to make sure Anisa has all her last minute stuff done before she leaves on Monday! Exciting and scary for all of us.
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