Since we've had company, we've been showing them around where we now live. My mom has been to DC several times, but we had to show Wendy and Kelsey and Aaron stuff. Here are some pictures of the last few weeks.

The sun coming into the National Cathedral.

Obama landing at the White House from

A squirrel friend for Aaron.

The Ellipse from the top of the Washington

Sara had a dance competition this last weekend. They took 1st place, again, but we knew they would. The mix of kids really works. They get along, their coaches are incredible, it's just a really great experience for the dancers (and the parents). Here are some pics from the competition.

Today, Anisa and Aaron will get the last activities in and he will fly home this evening. I'm sure this evening at our house will not be a happy place, but we have had a really good time showing Aaron around. It's gonna be quiet around here, but with Christmas just next week, that will be ok. :)
Hi cindy, sounds like you have been one busy but very happy lady. Things have been rolling ri ght along here in our home. My son got his orders for Iraq so of course there is alot of emotions running in all our family. He won't leave for several months and lots can happen. I wish for you a very Merry Christmas my friend and I know that I will really get to see you in person before many months go bye. Hugs and blessings, Marie
CRUD. I think my comment got zapped. Trying again to check.
I love that squirrel on you lap. WOW! But not surprised since you're the squirrel whisper!
Glad you got to have a nice visit with your family and show them around town. I love the picture of you with the squirrel, so cute! :)
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