Hey everyone, I just got told I needed an update on here since I haven't posted in a little while...thanks
Wende! And, this will be for you since it's more words than pictures ~MAYBE! :) Oh, and for everyone reading this, make sure you click on the link and visit Evidently. She's got some AMAZING pictures of one of the most beautiful places on earth!! :)
So, what the heck have I been up to in the last week since I haven't been posting anything. Well, hmmmm, let's see.

Saturday, I drove BY MYSELF to Algoma and Kewaunee to go to the antique shops down there. I didn't find any good OLD stuff, but I found these babies. Converse Chucks as the kids nowadays call them. They were $12 bucks. I couldn't pass them up, but now I have to find someone to fit into them! :) I do have someone in mind.
Sunday was spent at church, then playing. Anisa spent the day at a friend's house, and the rest of us just hung out. It was nice to have a day like that.

Monday was Memorial Day. We went downtown to the dedication ceremony of the War Veteran's Memorial. It would have been really nice, except someone didn't think to shut down the street for the hour and most of what we heard was cars and Harley's. It was a bummer. I thought it would a good thing to take the girls to so they would possibly understand what sacrifices others have made for us to live like we do. So, since we didn't hear it there, we talked to the girls about it later. Afterward, we had a BBQ with some friends over here. The kids played outside and we got to visit and eat yummy food! :)

Here is a little quilted "thing" I made for Ben at
Robot Comix. You should go there because it's very cute and entertaining.
I guess this "thing" is a little wallhanging or a table decoration. It's about 7.5" x 7.5" so Ben can do whatever he wants with this little decorative thing. I just figured he could use a little Mailbox Love. :)

And now for some wildlife, because, what would my blog be without some pictures of the wildlife in my backyard?! We have a couple of baby bunnies out under the bushes in our neighbor's yard. They have been coming out to eat lately and here is one eating a dandelion puff. So cute!
This morning I heard a new song outside. I couldn't see who was making the cute noise, then saw THIS! A Baltimore Oriole!!!! I was thrilled. They are hanging around a little bit since my neighbor has grape jelly out. :) I need to get some today on my Green Bay adventure.

So, as you all know, now, I'm heading to Green Bay today. I am in desperate need of groceries, and I like to do a monthly food run to Super Walmart and Sam's Club. I also have to run to Home Depot. I WILL NOT be going to any fabric stores which just hurts, but I'm saving myself for Fabric Depot in about 30 days!!!!!!
I hope you all are having a wonderful day and have a super fun fantastic weekend!! :)
Cute Robot quiltlet! Love the shoes - they're not for you?
Lucky you - Fabric Depot in 30 days. I can hardly wait to hear all about it.
The little robot is soooo cute! 7.5 square... wowie that's small.... how adorable!
LOVE those red tennies!! If you don't mind, and since it's WAY HOTTER here than where you are, could you just do a DOUBLE grocery shop and drop off half here at my house? ROFL I HATE to grocery shop, and as I said on my blog, I HAVE to go at some point before I hit the bed tonight!! :D Oh, and just pick me up on your way to Fabric Depot...would LOVE to go to that store!!!
Oh, look at you pitching my site. You rock!
That robot quilt is just great! :D He's going to love it.
And do be saving your pennies. I've not been to Fabric Depot, but everyone I know who has ever gone says they come out broke. Happy, but broke. So, enjoy.
Thanks for the update and photos. Fun, fun. :D
Ok, that was some wickedly bad grammar or typing. Heh. But I think you still get my point.
Sure hope we can work out getting together along with Monica, ets. when you are here in July!
dear chicken lady. i just got the robot quilt. amazing. i'm in shock. that was the best gift ever!!!! check your mailbox soon for some super neato robot stuff!
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