Well, I haven't posted in a while. It's not because I haven't had time, or the desire. It's just because I haven't. :) So, without further ado, I will post some of what's been going on here. :)

My little Sara went to semi-formals last week. She's been talking about this forever, but we told her the grades had to be good. She pulled them up and got to go. Here she is getting ready to head out. Tomorrow she turns 13! Where does the time go? Heck, only 5 more years til she moves out! :) tee hee
Anisa has been taking Jazz dance. She likes it, but has decided to quit for now because for dance team, she has to take ballet. This is Anisa and Andrea at the recital the school had. It was very cute, especially the little 2 and 3 year olds dancing.

Here is the quilt I made for my friend whose husband died. I wish I could be there to give her a hug myself, but this will have to do.

Ok, I went up north BY MYSELF to look at the little antique shops that have now reopened. Things around here close down for the winter, and that's pretty much EVERYTHING up north of us. It's kind of wierd, but whatever. So, they're open now, and this little chicken bell was sitting on the shelf waiting for me to buy it. So I did. :)

And one last parting shot. This is Miss Tango. I've posted pics of her before, but this is just too cute to not put on here. We've kind of created a little monster. We let her run around in the living room (wood floors) and she hates being in her cage now. Well, who wouldn't hate being in a cage?! Anyway, she's a little fluffly lovebug. :)
Now, today, I'm working on a new project, but I'll have to post about that later...when I figure out what the heck I'm doing! :)
You have a house mouse...er, hamster. :D Sooo cute. Much preferred over squirrels. Heh.
Your girls are darling... love all those spiffed up dresses.
And thanks for all the support on my blog re: the house. I've appreciated your kindness this week!
Blessings on your project (your quilt is beautiful!)--Can't wait to see it!
ooooooo, Love the chicken bell!!!!
The chicken bell was quite a find! I love it! Your idea to make your friend the quilt to give her a hug was a fabulous idea! Is the pattern YBR or something else? I love all the purples.
I can't believe how grown up Sara has gotten! I see they didn't listen to me when you left us and I told them not to grow while you were gone. Kids.
I still see Sara as a little 4 year old with her little doll that she had (I'm having a brain fart trying to remember it's name of what it was). My has she grown into a beautiful young woman! Poor T... he must be having heart attacks every time the girls leave the house!
Cute bell. And what beautiful daughters you have! The quilt is your usual fabulous work. And I'm looking forward to seeing your next project. Because you seem to finish projects - something I have issues with.
A belated "Happy birthday!" to your daughter :o)
You have been busy lately :o) The bell is really cute, and so is the hamster! Must be nice to have a little pet like that - even if she is spoiled *lol*
I'm sure your friend will love the quilt! The colours are beautiful - I love purple - and the love you have stitched into it will hopefully be warming her in this difficult time.
Take care!
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