"Hey, let's go to Chicago! There's an IKEA down there." So, I got on the internet and found all the things we HAD TO do while we were down south.
On our way down the freeway, we spotted a Trader Joes!!! I about had a heart attack. We didn't expect to find a TJs!!!
We went to the next exit, got off the freeway and came back to shop! We bought shampoos, conditioners, soaps, and red potatoes. But the most important thing was the Mochi ice cream. The girls LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this stuff. I think they could probably live on it. On the way back up north, we made a quick stop in TJs again and bought 6 boxes of the stuff. Packed it in ice and it made it home just fine.

Our next stop was Gurnee Mills mall. It's in Gurnee, IL. Ok, first let me say, we thought the roads in WI were bad, but OH MY!! The roads in IL are horrible. I need to check the suspension in my van from hitting so many holes in the road! Ok, back to the shopping. The mall was cool. We scored at the Hollister store. And we found Ruby Tuesday, but we weren't hungry yet.
So, we headed south some more to IKEA!! It was fun, but I like the set up of the Seattle Ikea better. I'll find out about the Portland Ikea soon. This one was 3 stories and BIG, but the way it was set up, I felt like I missed stuff. It's hard to explain, just that I wasn't that thrilled with the way the store was. BUT, it's IKEA, and I did find some treasures. I found some cute seat cushions, vases for Sara's room, a cheese grater, a special bowl for Sara, an ice cream scoop and some raspberry cookies.

By the time we finished in Ikea, we were hungry. We found a Chevy's and were thrilled, so we had mexican food (haven't had Chevy's since July). YUMMY!! We brought some salsa and chips home for Travis.

We parked and walked around a little section. I found a bank, got some money and we found a 7-11 and got Coke Slurpees. YUMMY!!!
We were done shopping and walking, so we headed back up north. On the way, we stopped and got Ruby Tuesdays for lunch (a little disappointment, I was hoping for a jalapano chili burger, but they don't have that one here in the midwest!). With full tummies and treasures filling up the van, we drove happily back home. :)

What a fab trip and SO GLAD you got a mochi ice cream fix! Something we too always get on a TJ run. Though I never thought to put it in a cooler and we always resort to scarfing them down in the parking lot.
Your IKEA score cracks me up... you're so restrained. Is that all you got??? Are you sick? Do you have a fever? OMG... we practically need a Uhaul when we go. Though I'm sure once CascadeStation (Portland) opens it will mean more trips, less bulk. PS... we buy those cookies too. Yum. The lemon ones are my fave. Now I know what to feed you when you come... Mochi ice cream and those cookies. And the "Bank of the Pacific" Breakfast Potatoes!
So, Blogger has been eating my comments all day... I pray this posts!
Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Look at you rockin the self snapped photo! I'm afraid I can't bring myself to enter IKEA... too many people. Even if I do go, I get completely overwhelmed by too many choices... their catalog suffices. :D
What a happy little adventure! Good for you for getting and going to IKEA.
Okay, haven't tried the TJ's Mochi ice cream. Must do that.
And I haven't wanted a coke slurpee in long time, but you sure do make it look good!
Sounds like such a wonderful trip!
Someday I'm going to go the Chicago, we really have no excuse since I have friends and extended family who live there. Oh, well someday. :)
Glad you all had such a great time and got home safe.
Guess I have to go back and read your blog more, I just found your blog through a post you left with Quilting is my Passion. Don't even go there about roads in IL. I drive them everyday! And some of those huge potholes have been there for 2 years! I swear one of these days they are going to swallow me up. Was the Ikea in Schaumburg? I work right down the steet. yes it is a hard layout to see everything. I stay as far away as I can most of the time!
I have never heard of Mochi. The first thing I thought of was Monica Zombie's cat. :o) Sounds like a fun day. And so sorry Ikea was disappointing. We have to drive an hour to get to the one here and it's always a treat.
I just went to our new TJ's yesterday. I was going to complain but I'm trying to limit that, so I'll just say wow, they should be happy to have such a thriving business.
Looks like you guys had a wonderful time! Yahoo!
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