Today we (Travis, Chad, Renee, Sara Beth, Larry, Jan and yours truly), along with 5hundredthousandmillion people, went into DC to see Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Alveda King and others talk about Restoring Honor in America. Renee, Chad, Travis and I had been planning this since GB announced it MONTHS ago. Renee and I even got matching t-shirts. The guys got new t-shirts, but they didn't match. wierdos. :)

Our day started at the Metro station where the lines and crowds were an indication that we were gonna get smooshed on the train. We got there and had to run back to the house (about a 10 minute drive) to pick up Fastpasses because the lines to buy day passes were so huge (wrapped around the parking structure was one line, and another was inside the parking structure) that it was faster to run to the house and pick up Anisa's Metro passes. :) She is our little hero. :)

We got onto the train, chatted with the others who were VERY CLOSE TO US on the train. We made several new friends. heehee But, then we had to get off the train halfway between here and DC because of "track work". We decided to take a cab from there since the next train through was gonna be packed and all the people off our first train had to figure out how to squish into the next few trains coming through. The cab was a GREAT decision and we got to the Lincoln Memorial in no time. When we got there, we attempted to find another friend who had gotten there before us, but gave up and went to get a seat somewhere that we could at least see one of the jumbo tv screens.

We got a good seat and saw and heard the speakers and their messages. It was really fun. The Restoring Honor website had stressed that this was not going to be a political rally and it honestly wasn't (although, I've already read some of the liberal press turning it into something negative...how sad). They talked a lot about our country getting back to basics, turning back to God, doing what our forefathers did. For me, as a Christian, it was motivational. Besides the great speakers, I was there with my friends, and Victor, a friend we met at one of the political rallies, met us there!

The weather cooperated kind of. The humidity was pretty low today, so that was REALLY nice, but it was still hot and I think I sweat about 5 gallons! It was pretty icky. After the rally was over, we walked over to Rosslyn, about 2.5 miles to find someplace to eat. After finding our first choice was closed, our second choice was a 45 minute wait, we decided to go to Chipotle, which should have been our first choice. :) We finished lunch and headed back to metro. It was almost as crowded as the morning, but we were just happy to finally be going home. We were all tired, hot, sweaty, sticky and stuffed. :) Now I have to find our next rally to go to! :)