The morning of May 19 started like most of my mornings with a 3 yr old. Wake up, get her fed, ready for a bath, clothed, etc....But then, I started feeling weird. Not "in labor" but just weird. I called Grandma and Grampa H who were in town to help out with the big sister when the little one arrived. I put Anisa into the tub and Gma and Gpa arrived.
By the time they got to the house, I knew I was in labor. A baby was gonna be born that day. We finished getting Anisa ready for the day and headed to the hospital. Poor Grampa had to drive and with each contraction, we went a little faster. I had called Travis, who was at work...luckily, he worked right down the road from the hospital. He met us at the door and we went to check in...after I thought I was gonna have that child in the car. My contractions were coming hard and fast. We got checked into the room, changed into my lovely gown and got ready to have a baby. My room overlooked the beautiful Willamette River over Portland, OR. Float planes flew in and out while we were there. It was actually quite nice.
The nurses came in with a teenage girl and asked if she could watch the birth (she was taking some classes and this was part of her "training", I think. We said, sure. As my contractions got worse, this poor girl got a little more green. I looked over and she was kind of "sliding" down the wall to sit down. The nurses came and escorted her out of the room for some juice. Great birth control, let teenagers watch actual births! :)
Anyway, about an hour after I arrived at the hospital it was time for Sara to enter the world. She was anxious to get here, luckily, so I didn't have to push for too long. She arrived and we were thrilled that we had another daughter. Big Sissy Anisa and Gma and Gpa got to come in and see our newest family member. We had a few other visitors during the day (Viv, Sheri, Nay) but spent most of our time admiring our precious newest little girl.
Now, she's 16. Wow, the time has flown by. She is in high school and is driving. She loves to dance and listen to her music. She also loves to put on her make-up and do her hair. :) hee hee Sometimes she can get on our last nerve, but most of the time, she's a good kid and we are so happy to be able to call her our daughter. Sara, I love you so much!!! Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Sara,have a wondeful day.If you see that grandson of mine tell him hi from his granny. Love to your Mom hope to see you before the Tudor's move. Hugs, Marie
A lovely tribute to a 16 year old! I send birthday blessings to all! :)
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