I figured I'd highlight some things that have happened over the past couple of days and something that has happened over the past several months.

Over the last several months (since March, actually) I have been exercising regularly at the Y, started running with Travis and have been trying to eat less (and healthier). I have lost about 18 pounds and have gone from jeans size 10 to 4.
It's great and I'm very happy, but the problem was I had no jeans to wear and we were heading to the Powder Puff Football game at night and it's getting cold. I went shopping a couple

of days ago and bought a pair of jeans. They fit ok, but when I got them home and sat down in them, I felt a little air coming in from behind. I was irritated since they were the only pair that fit out of several pairs I tried on at Wal-Mart, Younkers and Target (we're limited to shopping here). Well, I had to take Anisa to Wal-Mart later yesterday (the day of the game) and thought, "hm, I wonder if I could fit into large girl's jeans". Well, I tried on a pair of 16s and they fit! :) I just thought that was so funny. The best part of all was that they were on clearance for $7.00! I love a good bargain.

A couple of weeks ago, they opened the new bridge downtown. It was to replace the old but historic steel bridge. Of course, they had a parade for it (only in a small town!). The girls marched in the band. Anisa didn't play her flute, she held the American flag. She said it was really heavy and awkward with the wind blowing it. Sara played cymbals. The percussion section doesn't have to wear hats, they go gansta with bandanas. :) I love their uniforms. They look so nice.

You're probably wondering what the Powder Puff Football game was all about. Senior girls vs. Junior girls at the high school played each other. It was really fun, but really cold. Of course, the seniors won. :)

This weekend is Homecoming. We'll go to the football game tomorrow night and the girls will go to the dance on Saturday. Traditionally, the kids toilet paper the school. Here are the results of their work. The have to clean it up next week. hahahaa
Congrats on the weight loss! (and the bargain jeans!) You look wonderful and healthy. Our homecoming is also this weekend. I'm not sure of the festivities (obviously not as involved as you are) - I do know that I had to buy a dress for my middle child for the dance on Saturday.
Look at the sexy lady!!!! I am so jealous (sadly it's not stopping my spoon as I sit here with my yummy Haagen Dazs)!
Wow! Congrats on the exercise program and the weight loss!
CINDY!! Look at you! Congratulations. I thought you looked great when I saw you this summer, but I've ALWAYS thought you've looked great. I love how you're so fit and healthy... you're an inspiration!
Got such a kick out of you shopping in the girl's department. Love that!
I'm so happy for you... big you know what hugs!
You look great girl! Congrats on the weight loss and cool lookin new jeans! :) Great pics of the girls too! It's so awesome that they are so involved in school, love that team spirit :)
Wow, you're looking GREAT!!!
I remember our Powder Puff game, it was a BLAST!!! Especially seeing all the boys dressed as cheerleaders...
Cin! You look amazing. I have the opposite problem in that my jeans are getting bigger and bigger and I can't find any that fit. You are inpiring me to make friends with my treadmill again.
Congrats on the weight loss! Thanks for your comments onmy blogger;) That was extremely sweet. Say if you don't have a use for your size 10s.... lol!
Hey sweetie. As I sit here I see your home getting drowned in snow!!! Ughhh!!!
Anyways- you look great! I had no idea that you had lost weight! I just thought you were always skinny :)
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