Hey girls,
It's looking like Saturday would be the best day for me to go on our lunch and fabric expedition. So, who's coming???
Right now we're in Calif. It was an adventure getting here. We flew out of Green Bay at 6:50 a.m. Wed. Got to Chicago to change planes without a hitch. It was a 3 hour flight to Phoenix, AZ where we had planned to have lunch with a friend since we had a 2 hour layover. BUT, we went to check into our next flight (changing airlines), they told us our flight had been "Mechanically Canceled". Um, ok, now what??? Sooo, we got scheduled on a flight that left at 7:15 p.m. We were supposed to leave at 1:35. Lucky for us, Michelle was there for lunch anyway, so we left the airport and went out to lunch, then Starbucks, then the mall, then Michelle's house for a couple of hours. It was a bonus, since I haven't seen her in about 3 years. We got all caught up, then she took us back to the airport to come to CA. We got onto the plane and they announced there were some computer issues. URGH. But, it ended up being something minor that they fixed quickly and we were only about 15 minutes late. Got to CA, met my Dad, Peg and Blake and now here we are at my grandparent's house for a little while.
We've been to Trader Joe's and Ikea and we got to go to Chevy's last night for dinner. So far, we're having a good trip. :)
So, comment me about Saturday at Fabric Depot. The more, the merrier!! :)
Friday, June 22, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
An open invitation
Hey all you Pacific Northwesterners, I'm coming out for a visit! It's only for a week (sadness), but Monica and I are getting together for lunch and Fabric Depot's 40% sale. The thing is, I want to see/meet EVERYONE I know IRL and online! :) The more the merrier kinda thing! :) Soooo, the FD sale is Friday and Saturday, July 6 and 7. Either day works for us chicks, what about YOU chicks?? Please leave a comment if you want to come and what day works best for you. We're planning to do lunch at The Kennedy School and if we know how many chicks will be there, we can make reservations. Even if you can only do lunch or only do Fabric Depot, come on out and visit! Ooo, this will be so much fun!
Storms! Gotta love 'em
Wow, that's pretty much all I can say. Well, of course, I am a talker, I can say a whole bunch more, but "WOW" pretty much sums it up. We had a storm blow in yesterday. I love the storms here, but this one was a little bigger and messier than what we're used to. 

The wind was blowing so hard, the ice and rain was beating at the windows. In fact, some of the ice chunks hit our little A/C unit, they dented some of the grill thingies inside. There are leaves and mud EVERYWHERE. I was just hoping that my birds and squirrels and bunnies were all ok and cuddled up in their burrows and nests! :)
Here is our mailbox. You can see the high water. You couldn't even see the ground. The street was just like a river.
Here is a shot out the front window at the rain and ice coming down. See Traily? :) If you look closely, you can see there is a little wave out in front of the trailer. Water was coming from every angle. You can also see the little river coming down past the railing in the left bottom corner. Yea, that was basically the dirt from under the bushes out our front windows being washed into our driveway, which is where it all is today.
It started out a sunny, hot, humid day. Then, it started raining. We were thrilled because our poor grass is so dry, it needed the rain. A little hail started coming down and we were watching the little ice balls hit the ground and bounce. But, the LITTLE ice balls quickly turned to BIG ICE CHUNKS! I have never seen ice like that being hurled from the sky. Ok, I know they weren't the biggest, just the biggest I've ever seen.
The kids were worried about the trailer being out in the ice chunks. But Traily is fine. No broken windows and the roof looks good.
After the storm, Anisa and I HAD TO go outside and play in the water. Here is what was left right after the storm. Lots of water! and mud and sticks and pinecones. Today we'll walk down the street to see what landed at the end. The poor people at the end probably have a mess of junk in the street and gutters.
And here is the sky after the storm. It blew out almost as quickly as it blew in. It stayed cooler for the rest of the evening, but more humid. They're calling for thunder storms today thru Wed. I just hope they aren't bad on Wed, since the chicks and I are flying out that morning. But that's another post! :)
Friday, June 15, 2007
A little bragging about my honey
I was sewing my honey's new insignias on his uniforms. I was thinking of how INCREDIBLY proud of my husband I am. I don't mention it often enough, but MY HUSBAND ROCKS!!
When we first met, we were both a couple of punky kids in high school with our whole lives ahead of us. We were both 17 (he turned 18 a couple of months later) when we met. We went to a party and one of my friends who was totally drunk, lost her lunch on the side of his car. Well, he didn't run! He stayed, our relationship bloomed into a fun partnership. We have been a couple for over 23 years, and I just thank God every day for what He's given us.
Sure, we have had our share of ups and downs. I remember one time, when we lived on Kodiak, we got into a fight (one of many), and we were driving along the road. I stopped the car, and got out. The nice guy that he is, he hopped into the driver's seat and left me there to walk home! Boy, was I mad, but we survived! Another Kodiak fight, I packed up my stuff and I WAS GOING TO LEAVE! I drove off, late at night, and couldn't go anywhere. Kodiak is an ISLAND, you can't go anywhere. I drove around for a few hours, stopped at a friends house, then, defeated, went back home. It makes me laugh now, and I'm happy we went through those times so we could get to where we are.
I was sewing on his new Warrant Officer 4 insignias because he just got promoted as of June 1. He is as high up as he can go without going to the regular Officer ranks. He has done so well in his career (with a little help from his wife, but mostly because he's good at what he does). He has provided for his family more than we could want (well, I'm sure we could WANT more, but we have so much more than we even need). I totally appreciate his drive to succeed. Sometimes, he gets on my last nerve and I want to beat him with a stick, but for the most part, I just love him. Plain and simple. I could never have dreamed that I would have such a great life. We have our wonderful chicks who are really great kids, a roof over our heads and food in our tummies. I have my van (you all know the unhealthy love for my Baby that I have. :)), I have boxes and drawers full of fabric. We are all healthy, except Anisa and I have colds right now, but they're fading.
I just feel very blessed, and I needed to say that I LOVE MY HUSBAND!!! :)
When we first met, we were both a couple of punky kids in high school with our whole lives ahead of us. We were both 17 (he turned 18 a couple of months later) when we met. We went to a party and one of my friends who was totally drunk, lost her lunch on the side of his car. Well, he didn't run! He stayed, our relationship bloomed into a fun partnership. We have been a couple for over 23 years, and I just thank God every day for what He's given us.
Sure, we have had our share of ups and downs. I remember one time, when we lived on Kodiak, we got into a fight (one of many), and we were driving along the road. I stopped the car, and got out. The nice guy that he is, he hopped into the driver's seat and left me there to walk home! Boy, was I mad, but we survived! Another Kodiak fight, I packed up my stuff and I WAS GOING TO LEAVE! I drove off, late at night, and couldn't go anywhere. Kodiak is an ISLAND, you can't go anywhere. I drove around for a few hours, stopped at a friends house, then, defeated, went back home. It makes me laugh now, and I'm happy we went through those times so we could get to where we are.
I was sewing on his new Warrant Officer 4 insignias because he just got promoted as of June 1. He is as high up as he can go without going to the regular Officer ranks. He has done so well in his career (with a little help from his wife, but mostly because he's good at what he does). He has provided for his family more than we could want (well, I'm sure we could WANT more, but we have so much more than we even need). I totally appreciate his drive to succeed. Sometimes, he gets on my last nerve and I want to beat him with a stick, but for the most part, I just love him. Plain and simple. I could never have dreamed that I would have such a great life. We have our wonderful chicks who are really great kids, a roof over our heads and food in our tummies. I have my van (you all know the unhealthy love for my Baby that I have. :)), I have boxes and drawers full of fabric. We are all healthy, except Anisa and I have colds right now, but they're fading.
I just feel very blessed, and I needed to say that I LOVE MY HUSBAND!!! :)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Lookee What I Got!!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Relient K ROCKS!
I think everyone had an excellent time. :)
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