Well, last night was SB High school Prom 2009. Sara and her pal, Lena, had their make-up professionally done downtown for fun (and free). They came back to the house to start doing hair and getting ready to go out to dinner with a group of friends. Anisa was in there doing her hair too.....3 girls and a boy (Aaron) doing hair, nails, make-up. There was hairspray flying, straightening and curling irons warming, brushes swooshing and nail polish fumes! Sara ended up doing her own hair, Lena's curls and Anisa's poof.

Then it was time to get dressed. Anisa and Aaron went to dinner in regular clothes so they didn't spill on their beautiful clothes. They went out by themselves and met up with friends later at the prom.

Sara and Lena got into their dresses. Sara ordered special silver Puma high tops for prom. Her family doesn't particularly like them, but she does, so I guess that's all that matters. We thought since she was wearing a princess dress, she should wear fancier shoes but she swears she can't walk in any heels. She's a crazy girl. Lena's mom came over, we took pictures and off they went to dinner and then to prom.

Anisa and Aaron came back after dinner to get all prettied up. Check out Aaron's tie. I made that. :) They couldn't find the perfect green to match Anisa's dress, so we got some fabric, a pattern and there ya go! A tie! Anisa made her flower hair clip. Aaron made Anisa's necklace. Lots of crafty people around here!

They took off in style. They left in the Cavalier, but picked up the truck to actually head over to prom in. I don't exactly know how Anisa got into that thing with her dress on, but she did it. Maybe Aaron picked her up and threw her in. :)

Here are my beautiful girls after prom. Since they left the house at different times, I had to snag them after prom. They were exhausted, but had had a good time. We stayed up for a few hours telling stories. Anisa headed to a friend's house to spend the night and Sara and I finally got to bed around 3:30 a.m. It was a fun night for everyone. :)