I haven't posted in a while. I can't believe Christmas is tomorrow. I have to go out today (in the snow) and get my Christmas dinner stuff~ nothing like the last minute. :)

Winter has hit us in a big way. Here is our backyard full of fluffy, beautiful snow. I love the snow. Still not tired of it. I know we've only been here for 3 winters (and this is our last), but I don't think I'd ever get really sick of snow in the winter. Travis gets mad because it's here for so long, but he's had fun with the snowblower lately. I am usually the one to shovel the driveway because I like to do it. I get done with ours, then hit the neighbor's driveway, then I do trails in the backyards (mine and the neighbors) for the squirrels and Ami. Ami lives next door and goes to visit Lou (behind me) often. They're both older ladies and I don't want Ami to fall in the snow. We might never find her in some places....It's so deep! :)

Here are the girlies dressing our little Christmas tree. I love the little trees nobody else wants. This tree happens to be quite tall, but it's kind of crooked and it doesn't have many branches. It's pretty soft, tho. The needles don't poke you and make you bleed. The girls dug down and got all their own ornaments and went to town decorating. It looks beautiful. :) The only problem with it is that it doesn't have a scent. Last year we had a very fragrant tree, but we like this one anyway. We had to tie the angel to the top since I didn't want to cut any off. Good old fishing line! :)

If you remember from last year, I love taking pictures of snowflakes. I catch the little beauties on black paper and then you can see the details of each one. Some are broken, but most are pretty little decorations. Here are a couple of pics of some that I took recently with my new camera. Travis got me a new camera for my birthday and I figured this was a good thing to play with. Little, tiny decorations from the sky! :)
I'll leave you all with this video of the little hamster, Sugar Ham, we're babysitting. She's a little Robo Hamster and she's hilarious to watch. If you watch the entire video, you will probably be laughing out loud by the end. Non-stop entertainment~ :) By the way, this is real time, not fast motion. Her legs actually DO go that fast.