Honestly, this really isn't a part of life I would like to be in. I wish my kids were still babies. They smelled so sweet, they slept a lot, they didn't talk back....ahh, those were the days.
I just sent off for information on COLLEGES! For those of you who have known my family for a while, you've watched both of the girls grow up into beautiful young ladies. Sara is just now starting high school. Anisa is graduating from high school in a little over 8 months. GAHH!!!

So, our search has started for colleges. She'd like to pursue a Culinary Arts degree. That's kind of limiting to which schools she can go to. Add to that fact, we're moving to the wrong Washington, and that presents a whole new set of problems. Should she live with us and go to school out east? Do we send her back to the Right Washington which is practically the other side of the world from where her mommy will be??!! I wish I didn't have to deal with them growing up and sending them out into the big, bad world. I just can't believe my baby girl is going to be 18 and in college. For those of you who know me and my control issues, you know how difficult it will be for me to let my little girl go. I need prayers!! :)
Ok, I just needed to share my issues with all of you....I feel better now. :)
**Pictures taken by my dear friend, Mary Jo. :)