Sunday, November 01, 2009

Fall in Virginia

Well, since winter is almost here and fall is just about over, I figured I'd better hurry and get these pictures posted. The leaves are falling like CRAZY here, but there are still some trees hanging on to their leaves. The colors are now starting to fade a little, but there are still some bright colors.

These were taken last week out at Burke Lake. It's just about 5 miles from our house. Travis and I have run the trail (we saw a little fox), and we discovered how beautiful it is. I wanted to get some pics of the girls, but they weren't cooperating, so they'll have to suffer through another photo shoot another day. dorks. Anyway, here are the shots we took.


antique quilter said...

wow beautiful colors...
would love to take one of these pictures to the quilt shop and buy fabrics just based on the colors and make a quilt!
oh kids and cameras!

harmijo said...

Cute picture of you guys looking through the fence :) The trees are amazing there, WOW!

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Oh how beautiful!!! I bet that inspires some of your quilt colors!

happy zombie said...

WOW! Oh Cindy, the photos are breathtaking! We had a colorful Autumn here too... but nothing like what you've got there!

Greenmare said...

oh GORGEOUS!!!! and the dorks look cute!