I'm a lurker at a few other blogs and there is one called
Booga J that has a pincushion challenge. Well, I took the challenge and here is my pincushion. The theme is Winter Wonderland, and I LOVE Mt. Hood. I love to see it all year, but it's especially beautiful in the winter covered with snow. Now, I can see Mt. Hood anytime I want....can't wait til I can see the real thing, tho. :)
THIS IS SO CUTE! I just love, love, love, love, love, love this! I love the little hiker guy too. Cindy I don't know how you do it! I need to take a photo of the itty bitty teeny weenie chicken pincushion you made me. Then you'll have to post the supersized jumbo mutant one you made too.
You are so creative and talented!
Is that the cutest ever. You're a genius.
Love it! What an incredible idea! I know what you mean - I get to see Mt. Hood every morning as I drive to work - unless it's cloudy of course! I want to make one too - except I want mine to be Mt. Rainier!
Mt. Rainier sounds cool Patti! I can see a peek-a-view her if I go 3 blocks over (and of course if it's a sunny day). I'd like to make Mount St. Helens (I can see her too, really well from The Bridge). I guess I could just make Cindy's Mt. Hood and and just chop off the top to make MSH! That is... if Cindy makes a pattern for us!
Cindy... I just showed T-man your Mt. Hood and he smiled big and said, "That's cool... THAT'S COOL!".
That, my dear, is adorable! I would never have thought to make a mountain!
I had to come over from Happy Zombie to see the mountain. How very cool! You are one creative woman! :o)
Have you seen this contest? OMG... You NEED to enter your Mt. Hood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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